Game Rules
Time Rules:
Two 16 minute Halves
Clock stops only on free throws & last 2 minutes of each half.
2- 4 minutes warm-up time.
20 point difference the clock runs.
All teams must be ready to play no later than 10 minutes prior to their game time.
Pressing Rule (4th grade -6th grade) only
Teams can press in the first half until they are up by 10 or more points.
Teams can press in the second half until there are up by 20 or more points.
6 fouls = player disqualification
8 team fouls = 1 & 1 (No two shot fouls unless in act of shooting regardless of number of team fouls)
Three full timeouts per team.
Overtime 2 minutes.
Technical Fouls / Flagrant Fouls
Two Technical Fouls = Ejection for remainder of tournament (Coach or Player)
Flagrant Fouls = College Rules - click here
Fighting = technical foul and removal from remainder of tournament
Roster Rule
Players must be listed on a team's roster on the exposure app accurately, name & number, in order to participate. No players may be added to the roster after the first game has been played. Players may be rostered on multiple teams only if those teams are in different grades. For example, a player cannot play for two seperate 4th grade teams regardless of the division (gold/silver). Teams that compete with illegal or incomplete rosters will be allowed to play to avoid teams missing games, however, the game will be a forfeit win awarded to the compliant team. This is the coach's responsibility so please do not argue this point with VH staff. If you are a program administrator we suggest sharing this email with all of your coaches and allowing them to complete the form.
In the event of a challenge of eligibility parents/coaches must present a recent report card or show a powerschool account proving the correct grade. If you do not have this information on hand the game will be played under protest. If the correct information is not presented digitally by the end of the game by the parent the challenging team will win on a forfeit. (Game Score will be Entered as 1-0 to avoid a point differential unfair advantage).
Report Cards
Power School (with name and grade)
Challenge Rules:
Coaches are allowed to challenge up to 2 players on the opposing team. If either player is proven illegal, a forfeit is assessed and the team is ineligible to advance. If the challenging coach is incorrect, he/she will be assessed a technical foul in the associated game. Coaches must challenge before the game begins. The game can go on as scheduled while the challenge is processed by VH staff. If the coach whose team is being challenged plays the players in question and they are found to be ineligible the game will be a forfeit. If the coach does not play the players challenged then there is no penalty or forfeit regardless of the findings.
Program Conduct
Parents, fans, coaches, and players are all expected to conduct themselves appropriately. Swearing at or excessive yelling at refs, opposing players, or other fans will result in removal from the facility.
All teams must provide a contact person who is reachable during the tournament.
Team dropouts due to Covid or any other reason will not receive a refund as games are scheduled.